The Most Beautiful Villages and Cities near Bergerac
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The Most Beautiful Villages and Cities near Bergerac

Mahaut Fauquet
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If you are familiar with Dordogne, you already know that it is divided into four small regions: Périgord Noir (the most touristy), Périgord Blanc, Périgord Vert, and Périgord Pourpre, also known as Bergeracois, named after its numerous vineyards! In addition to its renowned wine estates, the region is dotted with a string of peaceful and charming medieval villages and historical bastides. Here is a list of the most beautiful villages around Bergerac, the pride of Périgord Pourpre!

The Most Beautiful Villages Around Bergerac


Monpazier is a superb fortified town founded in the 13th century by King Edward I of England. Now certified as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages of France," Monpazier boasts about thirty classified historical monuments, magnificent examples of medieval architecture! Particularly notable is the Place des Cornières, bordered by arcades, half-timbered houses, and its lively atmosphere.

Village de Monpazier


The Dordogne attracts many English people in search of a secondary or permanent residence in France, and many of them settle in Eymet, a small town established under English rule in 1270. It features a pretty central square and stone townhouses. Here, one in five residents is English! This multiculturality adds extra charm to the town, where you can find English grocery stores and tea rooms typical of the UK.

Village de Eymet
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Issigeac is one of the prettiest villages in Bergeracois, thanks to its maze of narrow streets, renovated houses, and its famous Sunday market that attracts many people in search of history and authenticity. Artisan shops and numerous restaurants add charm and vibrancy to this village in Périgord Pourpre! Don’t miss the famous flower market held in early May or the classical music concerts in June!

Village de Issigeac


Biron is best known for its namesake castle, which, through the ages, blends different architectural styles. Perched on a rock, the castle dominates both the region and its small village, now a charming maze of stone houses and streets, labeled as a village of character.

Château de Biron


Lalinde is the first English bastide built along the river. A strategic point for river trade, the town developed significantly in the 13th century! From this prestigious past, Lalinde retains vestiges of grand houses, preserved ramparts, an iconic bridge, pretty canals, and a covered market hall with arches. Like many bastides, the town has its own castle, now privately owned. Ideally located along the Dordogne River, Lalinde is the starting point for numerous water and outdoor activities!

Écluses de Lalinde


Like any good village in Dordogne, Montferrand is a picturesque village with preserved architecture and a castle with parts dating back to the 12th century! A stroll through its streets allows you to admire the 16th-century houses, built in stone or half-timbered with historical wooden balconies.

Village et château de Montferrand


Located on the border between Périgord Noir and Périgord Pourpre, the village of Cadouin (or Buisson-de-Cadouin) charms with its central square, well-preserved abbey, and Gothic cloister, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. The town is a must-visit for those wishing to explore the nearby Maxange caves.

Cloître de Cadouin

Discover the Real Estate Market in Bergeracois

The Bergerac region is an endless source of picturesque villages, historic centers, and fortified bastides. The castles and their surrounding villages, often built on high ground and surrounded by vineyards, are sure to captivate you! Don’t miss the real estate offers in the towns and villages around Bergerac: you might find the home of your new life!

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